Timeless Classic Cool

Bobby Spade



Bobby Spade

To create matters but to create something timeless by hand matters more. It matters because it doesn't just speak to the "thing" created but to the soul of the person who created it and the soul of each person who owns it throughout time. Born from the universal desire to connect with other people, we create, curate and rearticulate cars, motorcycles, furniture and leather goods. Through these hearty, durable mediums we communicate our sense of the world not just in the present but in how they age and mature in the future.

"We work on projects that both speak to who we are as creators and that adhere to our guidelines of quality and durability. That being said, the true "art" in what we do comes from the canvas itself. When you look closely at a piece of driftwood or at a old pickup truck that's spent the last 40 years in a field, it beckons to you what it wants to be. It tells you how far to go and what it wants. And while this sounds very "new age" just look closely and listen and you'll see what I mean."

Bobby Spade